If you're reading this article, you've obviously visited our new website at least once.  Welcome!  You may have noticed we've made some changes. One of those is the name we've been using for awhile now but many people might be unfamiliar with:  Metal Roofing & Siding of Minnesota.  See - there's our new logo at the top of the page!

No, it's not a different company; we're still Quarve Contracting, and you can still expect fantastic customer service and the very best in roofing, siding, and other exterior home improvement services. But with this name we're letting people know what our real focus is: metal roofing and siding, especially steel.  You'll know right from the name what it is we do.

We do offer asphalt roofing installation and other types of siding for those who prefer it, but because we're absolutely convinced that metal is the best roofing or siding solution for Minnesota homes, it's our first recommendation when homeowners here in the Twin Cities and surrounding communities talk to us about replacing their roof or siding.

  • Metal roofing and siding are considered 'green' building materials.  We know people are considered about Minnesota's environment and its natural resources. We are, too - that's why we specialize in green remodeling and energy-efficient homes.
  • Metal roofing and siding are more durable than most other options on the market.  They hold up well to our northland weather.  Cold, snow, wind, rain, hail, ice and sweltering heat and humidity in the summer - they are no match for metal.
  • Metal roofing and siding are durable; you'll probably never have to replace them again.  Okay, it sounds counterproductive for our company to promote a product we'll never have to install again, but we are so convinced these roofing and siding solutions are the best for homes here in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area we're promoting it anyway.  If you have a metal roof installed, it may last longer than the house it's put on. And unless you've got some incredible longevity genes, it will outlast you, too. Imagine never needing a roof replacement again!  And metal siding has a terrific life span, too.  Pat Quarve installed his first metal siding more than 3 decades ago, and it still looks as good as it did when it was first put on that Minneapolis home.
We have lots more reasons you should be considering metal roofing and siding, so if you'd like to find out more, please contact us to arrange a no-obligation consultation in your home.  Someone from Quarve Contracting will be happy to share with you why Metal Roofing & Siding of Minnesota can provide you with the very best in durable exterior home improvement solutions.