Quarve is excited to announce that they will be attending Roseville's Living Smarter Home and Garden Fair on Saturday, February 15, 2014. We hope to see many new and familiar faces at this fair and hope to speak to a lot of you about remodeling your homes and gardens for the better. The fair is set to run from 9am to 3pm.
This fair is one that has a lot going on, and you'll find plenty to do. As an exterior home improvement company specializing in green remodeling, it's one of our favorites because it focuses on green living. Walk around, speak to vendors and check out the special activities and free workshops. You will have a great time when it comes to going to everything that the vendors are offering. There are door prizes that everyone gets a chance to win as soon as they walk in the door, as well as activities for children.

Here is a schedule of events that will be going on during the fair:
- 9:30 – Give Your Bathroom a Mini Makeover with WaterSense, Preventing Wasted Food, Bike Commuting
- 10:30 – Make Your Home a Home for a Lifetime, Don't Fear the CSA, Solar Power: Choosing Quality Products
- 11:30 – You + The NEC = An Energy-Efficient Home: Introducing the NEC “Energy Adviser at Your Service” Program
- 1:00 – Remodeling Your Kitchen on a Budget, Pruning & Caring for Fruit Trees & Berries, Rain Gardens
- 2:00 – Starting Your Next Remodeling Project, Growing & Preserving a Minnesota Garden, Healthy Homes
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