The leaves falling from the trees are a reminder that another Minnesota winter is just around the corner. With winter come winds, snow and weather that may make your roof less than perfect. Last winter here in the Minneapolis St. Paul area was especially long and hard, and if you didn't get your roof inspected before now, we highly recommend you have a roof inspection done before fall.
Not only was winter hard, but spring's heavy rainstorms added more stress to some already compromised roofs. Do you know what shape yours is in? Tree branches may have been blown onto your roof and possibly damaged it. The heavy winter snow load may have caused problems as well. Then there were the heavy hail storms and wind-driven rains that spring brought. Mother Nature was especially fierce this year, and the roofs on many Minnesota homes suffered damage. Left untended, minor roof damage can eventually lead to leaks and an assortment of other problems in your home.
The first thing you can do is to visually inspect the roof yourself - a pair if binoculars will allow you do to this from the ground. But if you're already up on a ladder cleaning out your gutters (which we also recommend you do before winter), take some time to check out your roof while you're up there. Here are things to look for.
Signs of Roof Damage

- If you've got an asphalt roof, check for an accumulation of roofing granules in your gutters or at the base of the downspouts. Also check the roof for dark patches where the roofing granules are missing. Hail is notorious for producing this kind of damage
- Buckling, curled, warped, or missing shingles
- Dents in gutters and flashing - hail causes observable damage to these metal areas, and if you see dents in gutters and flashing, that means hail hit your roof fairly hard
- Sagging areas in the roof
Any roof damage should be repaired before winter, because it's only going to get worse. Routine repairs can be scheduled now to prevent further problems. A scheduled roof repair is much less costly than an emergency in the middle of winter.
If you find any problems or are not certain if you're doing the inspection like you should, give the experienced roofing contractors here at Quarve a call. We can give your roof a thorough inspection and ensure that any problem areas are taken care of. We care about your home and your roof. We are here to help in any way possible. We'll take the time to discuss the things we see about your roof, as well as our suggestions for taking care of the problems. And if your roof is really in bad shape, there is still time to get it replaced before winter.
For all your roofing installation and repair needs, Quarve Contracting is the licensed MN roofing contractor to call. We serve the entire Twin Cities metro area. For a free inspection or roofing estimate, call us at 763.785.1472.
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