Planning on staying in your home indefinitely?  Or are you in the market for a new house? 

Regardless of your current status, whenever you're considering remodeling or home improvement, it's good to consider the effect it will have on the value of your home.

When it comes to the housing market, you never know what kind of shape it is going to be in. While you’re waiting for it to get better, there are always upgrades and renovations that can be done to boost the curb appeal and the value of your home. Any changes that are made to your home should be done to increase the value of it, overall. Here are some of the top upgrades you should make to your home to increase the value.

Upgrading Siding 

Looking for a really profitable investment?  Consider new siding.  Reports show that you can recoup around 88% of the investment that you make for getting the right siding added to your home. With beautiful, new siding you can increase the value, but also the curb appeal that comes with your home when showing it on the market. There are many colors to choose from, as well as types. James Hardie siding provides beauty, protection and safety, and fiber cement siding ranks near the top in terms of return.

Replacing Older Windows 

When the windows in the home are not working like they should, replacing them can not only increase the comfort inside your home but can lower your energy bills. In addition, when it comes time to sell, depending on the windows, you’re able to recoup around 80% of your investment that you make to place them in the home.

Changing Out That Old Door

Changing out the old door on the front of the home might not recoup too much, around 30% of the value, but it can also bring in more potential buyers. The better the outside of the home looks, the better your chances of selling faster. Consider curb appeal while on the market. Not only that, but a new front door will also keep energy bills down and safety at a priority level.

Adding a Deck Outdoors 

Decks are beautiful places for families together outside of the home when the weather is nice. Buyers like seeing decks in the backyard for their families. Adding one can recoup around 85% of the investment that you make to install a deck.  This not only invites potential buyers to look at the home but gives you an enjoyable place to hang out in the mean time.

Speak with us here at Quarve to find out all of the exterior home improvements that we can add to your home.  With us you'll cheerfully get a free estimate for the work you want done. Through our variety of home improvement products, we can help you find the best things to add to your home to increase the curb appeal and value of the home overall.   Still want to know more?  Check out this earlier post on other projects that deliver a good return on your investment.

Quarve Contracting, Inc. is a licensed MN home remodeling contractor serving the entire Minneapolis and St. Paul metro area with services such as roofing, siding, and energy efficient doors and windows.