Since April is Earth Month, and because one of our specialties is green remodeling, we thought we'd share some ideas with Minnesota homeowners who want to make their homes greener and more energy efficient.  Looking for the ENERGY STAR® mark on things you choose for your home is a great place to start.

When it comes to having a more energy efficient home, even those who aren't environmentally oriented want to know what they can do to make changes that will reduce their energy bills. However, with so many different ways being promoted, it is a challenge to find out which ones are actually going to make a change in your particular home.  Fortunately, the EPA’s ENERGY STAR® Program has made it easier for everyone to find out which changes are really going to make the biggest differences inside your home.

What You Can Do to Reduce Your Energy Consumption

Sealing Leaks and Adding More Insulation

This is a relatively simple way to keep cool or hot air inside the home, and it is amazing what a difference it can make. Start with an energy audit to identify problem areas. By having an evaluation of the air leakage throughout the home, you can find out how much you’re losing because your home is not air tight and does not have enough insulation to keep it all in. Addressing these leaks should be your first priority. Adding attic insulation is one common thing we do in conjunction with roof replacement.

Update Your Heating and Cooling System

If your furnace and air conditioning components are older than 10 years, it is time to consider newer, more energy-efficient units to cool and heat the home. Choosing an ENERGY STAR® approved system can help reduce the bills, while also making your home much more efficient than it was.

Upgrade Lighting, Water Heating, and Appliances 

All of these systems work to increase your energy bill. Though small, they add up and can be the reason why the bills skyrocket. You can choose from literally hundreds of appliances, lighting options and water heaters that are all ENERGY STAR® certified. If any of these items are older and not as efficient as they could  be, it might be time to think about a replacement.

Replace Your Windows 

Windows in a home are an extremely important aspect. The biggest heat loss in a home is through window openings, followed by exterior doors.  If your windows are older, they could be letting a lot of air in your home out (or outside air in). And if they were improperly installed, there is a good chance that they have air leakage, which means wasted energy. Consider replacing all the windows in the home for much more energy efficiency, as well as doors!

If you’re ready to make your home more energy efficient, speak with us here at Quarve. We provide not only high quality windows, but also professional installation to make sure they’re keeping your heat and cool air inside. We are a licensed replacement window company for Minnesota.